Thursday, June 26, 2008

Estate Planning Study

USA Today June 24, 2008 Money Section

They reported today that approximately 1 in 4 Family owned Business owners do not have an estate plan in place. Actually, every one has one, its either one that you set up to best serve your needs and goals or it is one set up by the government to maximize taxes and probate fees. Thats the bad news. The true key question is which would you rather have?

The good news is that approximately 3 in 4 have some sort of plan in place. Which side are you on? Even if they have one, how recently has it been reviewed? If you would like some help contact us!

The most common stated reasons listed for not having one are
Complexity- Too difficult 55%
Not enough time to implement 24%
Mistakenly believe they don't have a need 17%
Too expensive 4%

The truth is all of these are just poor excuses. They do not have to be outrageously complex or massive time sinkholes. Costs in many cases are relatively modest.

What about business continuation planning? What happens when one owner dies?
We can help in all of these areas and more.

Please feel free to contact us or visit our website.

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