Monday, August 11, 2008

Caring For Your Aging Parents

There is a new book out . The title is "Stuck in the Midddle: Shared Stories and Tips for Caregiving Your Elderly Parents" It is written by Barbara McVicker.
She shares some of her own experiences in dealing with her aging parents. Any book like this can give you some ideas to share with your siblings and your parents in the context of starting a discussion of preparations for death or infirmity. It should be worth the read!

I wont agree with everything she says but I do agree with several key points that she makes.
First get your own papers in order and make sure that your parents have their papers in order.
Second make sure that you have a Durable Power of Attorney set up with some one that you trust absolutely.
Her suggestion about changing a will just because you move makes me nervous especially if there is any hint of memory impairment on the part of either partner. Even if your state only requires two witnesses I would think that three would be safer.

Financial records, Brokerage account statements, bank statements birth certificates, marriage certificates, Wills, Powers of Attorney, Living will, a personal list of special bequests for heirs Mortgage documents, property title, vehicle titles and Trust documents if you have one..
If you have more than a modest estate I would have to ask why do you not have one.

We work with Attorneys in Ohio to deliver Wills and Trusts for Ohio residents. We can also take care of general financial needs and planning and can help with LTC planning and providing LTC Insurance.

How can we help you??

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