Friday, November 21, 2008

Wall Street Journal reports trend changing Financial Advisors

A Wall Street Journal article reports that " Fully 90% of investors with over $1 Million or more in investable assets plan to take money away from their current financial advisor and 70% plan to leave their (current) advisor altogether." The Wall Street Journal October 2, 2008

This makes sense now even more than it did in October since we have continued to see market drops almost daily. Why would anyone stay with a financial advisor who has contributed to your loss of as much as 30-40% or even 50% of your financial portfolio? There is a better way! Have you suffered enough to justify a one hour investment of your time in order to find out?

Some people have said why move assets now? The answer is the same answer I have been giving to my clients and potential clients since early September. Any assets that you reposition now are protected from future market turbulence. You still get to participate in any market rally. You have the possibility of double digit gains of as much as 20% or more depending on what product we select for your needs. Some products even offer a bonus of from 5-15% to help ease the sting of the market beating you have suffered. For people consumer with fear take control of your future. We can set up a program to dollar cost average by committing some cash now and more later.

None of the client savings assets that I manage have lost a dollar due to market risk in two down market cycles since 2001. That is an achievement I am proud of. Can you say that about your current financial advisor or banker? Even a bank CD today is suffering a loss due to inflation risk! My average client over age 40 has seen a gain in their income account value of 6-7.2% in the last 12 months. My average new clients have seen a total return of 11-12.2% in the past year. I choose, to only offer my clients Safer Money Financial Alternatives that can provide most or all of the following benefits.
1. Protection of principal from market risk.
2. Minimum performance guarantees protecting you in market downturns.
3. Upside earning potential in good years.
4. Long term earning growth that outpaces inflation.
5. The possibility to create a lifetime income stream you or you and your spouse cannot outlive.
6. Limited penalty free liquidity provisions may apply
7. Some products offer client bonuses of from 5-15%
8. The ability to sleep well at night because you are protected from market turbulence.

These products are not right for every client. There are minimum dollar contributions needed to participate. These products have a long term focus. Surrender charges may apply if you withdraw more than the penalty free amounts in any given year before the Surrender period expires.

We offer a free initial consultation. There are a range of helpful products and services available.
All products are offered by licensed professionals. Does this sound good to you? How can we help you better weather the financial storms??

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Indexed annuities beat Bank Cd and S&P 500 indexed fund

A recent study completed by the advantage Compendium was quoted as reporting that over a 5 year period the performance of a fixed Indexed Annuity tied to the S&P 500 outperformed bank CD's and S&P 500 index funds. The five year study found that indexed annuities overall increased by 5.4% per year over the 5 year time period. This beat inflation and resulted in a real growth of asset value in the study period. The Bank CD rates averaged 2.78% per year over the 5 year period. The comparison was based on sequential one year CD's. A 5 year CD would have improved on the Bank CD yield but would not have doubled the effective yield. So even compared to a five year CD the indexed annuity out performed the CD. According to website the most recent national average one year CD rate is 3.48% and the most recent 5 year rate is 3.88 or a 0.4% difference in annual yield.
The study went on and pointed out that the 5 year performance of an S&P indexed fund with a 0.15% management expense ratio performed at a rate of 5.05%. The study data actually was generated before the most recent market turbulence. What would the data look like if we went back 5 years from todays date?

Why might a smart client want to consider a Fixed Indexed Annuity for some portion of their Safe Money Assets? Several key reasons come to mind Inflation beating performance. Market Risk Free financial growth. Tax deferred growth.

How can we help you?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Current Hot Interest Rate Deals

Periodically we update clients and readers on great current interest rate deals. These are guaranteed rates for the term listed and are subject to change. Contact us for details or to determine minimum amounts required and determine suitability to meet your needs. These rates apply for both qualified and non qualified money sources.
10 year 6.5%
7 year 6.0%
5 year 5.7%
3 year 4.8%

Now lets compare these rates to those listed at Please remember that although FDIC Insurance protects you principal it does not guarantee the earning rates if the bank gets into financial difficulty. This little know fact was reported in an article in the Columbus Dispatch earlier this fall. The first set of interest rates are approximately 50 % higher than the rates listed below which are the bank rate national averages listed today on the website

5 year non qualified money 3.88%
5 year qualified money 3.67%
1 year non qualified money 3.48%
1 year qualified money 3.12%
The first set of interest rates are approximately 50 % higher than the bank rate national averages listed today on the website. Why would anyone want to earn a 50% lower rate of return than they can earn.

How can we help you prepare for your financial future?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Current Top Interest Rates Available

Best Interest Rates Available For Savers

Here are the national bank CD rates from the website

1 year 3.49% non qualified money

1 year 3.22% IRA CD rates

5 year 3.87% non qualified money

5 year 3.68% IRA CD rates These rates are not very attractive. Would you like the opportunity to earn a greater rate of return and do it safely?

Periodically I like to report on high interests rates available for savers. I do this to keep you aware of viable and safe options.

Multi year interest rates best deals this week

3 year fixed rates 4.37%

5 year fixed rates 5.46%

7 year fixed rates 6.1%

10 year fixed rates 6.36%

All of these financial products offer you protection of principal and guaranteed interest rate.

Rate change weekly and minimum initial $ amounts apply. Unlike bank CD rates it does not matter whether you commit tax qualified or not tax qualified funds. These products may not be available in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Contact us to find out if they are suitable for you in your particular situation.

The second set of interest rates look more interesting to us. What about you?

How can we help you achieve your financial goals and objectives.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Current rate guarantees

Periodically I provide updates on current high interest rate available on products offering protection of principal and multi-year interest rate guarantees.
$15,000 + 5 year fixed term guarantee rate 5.65%
$100,000+ 5 year fixed term guarantee rate 5.75%
$100,000+ 10 year fixed term guarantee rate 6.11%

Other products for clients over 40 years of age saving for retirement offer 6% or even 7.2% increase in Income Account Value when used for creation of lifetime income.

Products may not be available in all states or may not be suitable for every saver. The only way to determine if they are suitable for you is to contact us. These rates are subject to change until funding is completed. How can we help you plan for your financial future?