Thursday, January 15, 2009

Women on their own struggling financially

A recent study on women and finance from the Consumer Federation of America reported the following facts.
-Women heading households have only half the income of families headed by males or couples. $22K vs $43K. Not really a surprise since many couples have 2 incomes.
-Women headed households also have only 1/3 of the family assets compared to the overall average for all US households. Also not entirely surprising since lower income means less disposable income.
-What is somewhat disturbing is that 1/3 of women headed households are not saving for retirement. This is a critical mistake.
-Another finding is that almost 25% of all families have no retirement program or plan whatsoever.

Whatever the amount every family needs to be saving something for their future. There are some retirement plans that permit small starting contributions and allow small regular additional deposits.

We may be able to help! Contact us to find out how!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Have we passed the worst of this drop in the markets.

Have we passed through the worst of the market doldrums?
Unfortunately no one knows for sure whether we hit bottom in November or if we are in a dead bear bounce rally. History shows us that you cannot time the exact bottom. What I will say is this. When the markets collapsed almost 40 percent the common investor took more of a beating than they needed to take. They had too much money at risk of market declines! There is an answer which can protect you from market risk and let you participate in market growth whenever that turnaround happens! That's what Safer Money Financial Advisors recommend. Everyone over age 35-45 should have some percentage of their assets allocated in this manner!

Markets that can drop 40 % in a matter of weeks are not safe places for the bulk of your financial assets. The recent 25 % upturn is a good thing but it does not guarantee you will not see another 25 % or greater downturn in the near future. Furthermore all of the bragging about the 25 % upturn ignores the fact that even if we add another 25% upside bump that you probably are still not even with where you were in September 2008. Do the math a 100 start point drop 40% leaves you with just 60 getting you back to 100 (your start point takes a 68% jump from the bottom.

Instead take some portion of your assets and allocate them so you are truly protected from both market risk and inflation risk. The result is that when the markets go south you do not loose and when the markets start going up you will realize some of but not all of the market gains. For most individuals this is a superior financial strategy for asset diversification and it is something we would be glad to help you implement with a portion of your fiscal assets.

These products may not be right for everyone. A suitability review will be conducted when we get to talk about your specific situation. However consider the alternatives. You are left to the whims of the market and its downturns or you use treasuries, or Bank CD's which protects principal but leaves you with inflation risk. Our alternative on the other hand beats bank CD rates, typically will beat inflation rates, and will give you the upside potential while protecting you from market risk.