Thursday, January 15, 2009

Women on their own struggling financially

A recent study on women and finance from the Consumer Federation of America reported the following facts.
-Women heading households have only half the income of families headed by males or couples. $22K vs $43K. Not really a surprise since many couples have 2 incomes.
-Women headed households also have only 1/3 of the family assets compared to the overall average for all US households. Also not entirely surprising since lower income means less disposable income.
-What is somewhat disturbing is that 1/3 of women headed households are not saving for retirement. This is a critical mistake.
-Another finding is that almost 25% of all families have no retirement program or plan whatsoever.

Whatever the amount every family needs to be saving something for their future. There are some retirement plans that permit small starting contributions and allow small regular additional deposits.

We may be able to help! Contact us to find out how!

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