Saturday, September 20, 2008

College Financial Aid

Friday in the USA Today Newspaper Money section there was a short piece about Financial aid policy experts fears that the system is too complicated for many families to even consider or navigate. It is true that the system is complicated. They would like to eliminate the complicated FAFSA Application I do not believe that they will be successful. When has the government ever simplified anything related to Taxes or income? I believe they would be lucky to shorten the form. If it gets to simple than the colleges will probably institute their own forms which would mean many conflicting forms and systemss and that could acttually make the process MUCH MORE COMPLICATED. Right now its obligatory just for the government programs but most private funders use it as the basis of their decisions as well. I do not believe that that would continue to be the case if they eliminate or overly simplify this current application process.

There are people or companies like ours that can help families navigate the process and even estimate what the financial aid picture will look like under the currents situation. We can even help a family determine not only what they are currently eligible for but we can also help determine what we might be able to reduce it too by making some legal changes to a family's financial picture. It only takes a bout 10 to 15 questtions to analyze or estimate the current situation and then we can do a series of what if analyses to determinge if we can improve on that current sitiation. The estimate of current eligibility is done at no cost and the what if analysis is an option.

How can we help you?

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