Wednesday, October 31, 2012

When Can I Retire??

While  reviewing some  financial industry  publications  today I  came across  something somewhat  frightening. It was an article quoting a study done by a group called My New Financial Advisor (MNFA). The purpose of  the  study  was to look at Baby Boomers facing retirement and tried to  determine what  age they would  reach before they  are able  to Retire. First let me say that the study was relatively modest in  size but the  findings are still Disturbing and Frightening.  I might  say this is rather fitting on Halloween  night!!

The survey was conducted  by collecting  data on 1600 Baby Boomers. They concluded that many Boomers due to the following six factors; a Loss of Income,  Insufficent Savings,  Low Rates of Return on Their Retirement and Other Financial Assets,  Higher Than Expected Expenses,  High Taxes,  and A Low Rate of Growth In Personal Income will have to  postpone their retirement till their mid 70's. Is  that  frightening enough  for you?   I don't know about you but I don't want to HAVE TO Work until I  am in my mid 70's.  Now, I'm not saying working until age 70-76 is a bad thing!  In fact, for  many people  thats a good  thing.  I  am  saying that I would  hope that if you are still working until you are almost 80 years of age that it is because  YOU WANT TO,  NOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO!!

Squeeze your  expense budget, use the money saved to  increase retirement  savings.  Look for  SAFE Money Financial alternatives that produce a reasonable rate of  return.  Guarantees of up to 6%  in the growth of Income Account Value, when used for Lifetime Income, are available today.  This can  be done without market risk today!  The "Without Market  Risk" is a big deal since  retirees or near  retirees cannot afford the market lossses most have seen in the past 10-12 years. Getting  Back to Even is not good  enough.  Where do you currently have your Safe Money?

I believe it was Warren Buffet who said  there are two rules in financial management.
Rule 1 Don't Lose Money!

 If  you  don't believe  we have significant risk today. What  about  Europe?  What about our out of control Federal  deficit? Where are we going to  get the money to pay for it?  Expect increased Taxes! Ever hear  of  the  terms The Fiscal Cliff, or Double Dip Recession. What about  the increasing cost of everything you need to buy in the  Consumer Price Index (Inflation Risk)?

Polaris Financial Services

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