Monday, November 4, 2013

Congratulation the Award for the Worst Website Launch in Internet History is Awarded To ...

I can think of several world class awards we could give out. I'm trying to  decide between an Academy Award and the Time Magazine Internet Man Of The Year. Unfortunately they  would both be awarded to the same team. Five days into the  OBAMACARE launch the stats looked like this 9.7 M attempted sign-ons to the website, followed by a whopping 36,000 American who managed to buy Obamacare  insurance. Since then the government has not even been releasing statistics! Why not? So much for open government and public disclosure.  I believe it  was  CBS that did a story on the fact that 2,000,000 Americans lost health insurance coverage either because their employers cut their hours for employees or just plain stopped offering insurance altogether!

Any half decent manager knows that if the product does not begin to be ready to release you Delay the launch. So why the disconnect? 

Look at the numbers.
Admitted government spending on Obamacare website $300 Million
Probable real spending before rollout estimates              $600 Million
Estimate for the total cost to write, correct  and repair        $1 Billion
What did we get for that $1 Billion?

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