Monday, November 4, 2013

Insurance , Where Does It Fit In?

Did you know that approximately 30% of Americans do not have  Life insurance!
Did you also know that 50% of Americans know that they need to  buy more life insurance!
Everyone should think about the following questions. I would love to see some replies or comments on line here on the blog or offline! Help for most of you  is available!

1) What is your personal situation?
2) Do you have life insurance?
3) Do you have Life Insurance that isn't tied to your Employment?
4) Why does that matter?
5) Do you  have enough insurance?
6) If you do not have life insurance what is your  excuse?

 If you have a spouse or dependents almost everyone needs to have life insurance!
People with a non working spouse or families with young children need the most death benefit. Even people nearing retirement often need insurance and Often buy it even though it is much more expensive at older ages! As we age sometimes we need different types of coverage or even different amounts.

Why does it matter if your insurance is tied to  work? See the comments in the Blog post from October 23, 2013 for a discussion of employee life insurance!

Do you have  enough life insurance? See the blog post from October 23, 2013 for a discussion about how to  determine  if you have  enough insurance. Use the worksheet or call to  discuss.

If  you are uninsured because you  waited to long to  buy protection there is still hope. Call to  discuss your specific situation.

Remember Life insurance  serves two primary functions it offers protection against the "What If ..." scenario, and it helps anticipate and cover the  "When I..." scenario. Can you figure out  the What if and When I scenario.

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