Sunday, October 19, 2008

Americans Need Help Preparing For Retirement

Americans are loosing confidence in their readiness for retirement. We are not talking about a small drop we are talking about a major shift. Almost half of Americans surveyed are less confident in their ability to retire tody than they were one year ago. News reports tell us why. Markets down 30-40%, 401K Plans assets have lost well over 20 % and now approaching 30%. Less than 15% were more confident than they were one year ago. I have to wonder what planet that 15% are living on!! Only 12% of the study participants say that saving for retirement is a major priority right now. Why is this number so low. It must be related to the following number that 57% of respondents are "Struggling Just To Get By." Almost 60% want the government to get off their fannies and fully fund Social Security.

Another interesting point that they made is that more than 25% want their 401K Plans to offer them the option of providing investment choices that guarantee lifetime income. Traditional 401K Plans do not offer this option. traditional brokerages do not generally recommend this option. Employees in companies with 401 K Plans tell you employers that you want this option! Employers reading this we can help you modify your 401K Plan and move your plan to a TPA that Encourages this kind of Safer Money Alternatives. We can do it in qualified plans, SEP, SIMPLE Plans and both Traditional and ROTH 401K Plans. We also do it cost effectively.
Employees over age 40 can actually get a guaranteed rate of return of 6 or even 7.2% increase in your Income Account Value. employees under age 40 have a lower guarantee but both have the potential to make more than that 6% or 7.2% annually in good years. We also can create a lifetime income you or your employees cannot outlive. WOW! Protection of Principal, Safety, Above average rate of return, and Lifetime income when you want it. It may even be possible to get a 5% bonus on all assets switched into the program, or on new contributions made during the first year. This is applied to the employee contribution and the employer match.

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