Friday, October 3, 2008

FDIC Insurance Limits

FDIC limits may be increased. USA tToday ran an article By Sandra Block. The article title is "FDIC Limit could bump up to $250,000"
both presideental candidates are in favor of the change. As is typically the case with Congress there is a flaw. The article says "the FDIC Insurance limit would be TEMPORARILY increased to $250,000." I don't like Temporary fixes when it comes to my money. The article goes on to talk about the 13 banks that have failed this year. We have been blogging on many of those stories this year. The article further states that 37% of bank deposits are uninsured. I need to ask whats wrong with those people?
First of all the banks generally don't pay a fair rate of return on the money you keep at the bank. They load you to death with excessive bank fees, and they charge most people way to much interest when they loan money to customers. The Large banks overpay their officers using the excessive profits generated on the spread between the interest rates charged and offered. And then they dont even practice reasonable levels of financial responsibility in managing our assets in their care necessitating this massive bailout.

There are Safer Money Alternatives for your funds that will earn you substantially more interest over time and do it with guaranteed performance and principal protection.Does that make sense for at least part of your money.

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