Saturday, March 23, 2013

OBAMA CARE The Afordable Care Act (ACA)

Not may people know that most of Obama Care enabling legislation didn't deal  with  health care at all. Most of the bill actually dealt  with new and onerous tax increases needed to fund  the bill. Did  you  know  that all  females  have maternity  coverage burried in the  cost of premiums. Thats  a mixed blessing of  course. If a woman is Sexually active, married and in child bearing age.  Its  not necessary to  add the cost of  the  premium for a woman  who isnt  sexually  active  or is beyond  child bearing age. However  courtesy of Obama  its in  there!
 Did  you  know  that  every  real estate  transaction  will  involve a better than 3%  federal  tax on a home sale. We are not  talking  about  a  tax on short or long  term  gains. We are  talking  about  a new massive  tax incurred  even if  you loose money on a home sale. There are dozens and dozens of  these new Taxes, Fines  and  Fees  hidden in the  1000 plus  pages of this legislation.
 That  just  doesn't  seem  right  to me.

What  do  you  think???

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