Monday, August 26, 2013

If you designed the perfect financial product would it look like this?

Many clients  tell me they  are looking for several contradictory objectives in an IDEAL financial product!
First, they  want to know their principal is safe!
Second, they want a  reasonable rate of return on their money!
Third, they want liquidity!

If a product could do all of these thing would you agree that this is a nearly perfect financial product?
 A bank can give you the first and third items from the list but will not  deliver the second. The  market can  give you the second and the third but cannot guarantee the first.
Its now possible to get a financial product that offers 100% liquidity from day one. Even though it offers great liquidity it is designed and optimized for long term growth or even  for legacy purposes.
In addition it offers a reasonable rate of return in some configurations or the upside potential for double digit annual returns of over 12% in the best years and a mid single digit (4-7%) returns in an average year. It delivers all of this potential with outstanding safety and protection of principal.
That's the good news.

Now for the bad news. Not everyone can qualify to purchase this type of product. Minimum $ limits also apply. Contact us if interested in learning if this is right for you!

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