Monday, October 14, 2013

A very interesting study about the american majority.

A study  reported on Meet The Press indicated that the Majority of American voters DO NOT favor or support the Radical Democrats or The Radical Republicans. Even if you add both parties RABID Followers  and mix them together you do not have a Simple Majority!! The Majority are in the middle!!! Its time to  clean house.
The elected officials of both parties seem to be unwilling to work for the electorate that put them in office and therefore they all need to be replaced. If the voters want to  see financial responsibility in our government  we have to vote out incompetence. Unless and until that is done the economy will continue to be weak and the financial markets will be subject to a bursting bubble! Our weak and fragile recovery and I use the term Recovery  loosely is subject to  cancellation on a moments notice.
Write  to  your democratic and  republican elected officials and thell them to  get to  work or prepare to  be FIRED!!!

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