Monday, October 21, 2013

What is going on with OBAMACARE?

 Here are some interesting figures on OBAMACARE  week 1
 Visitors to website                              9.47 Million
Number of visitors to the Individual Marketplace        5.68 Million
Number who attempted to Register                               3.72 Million
Number Who registered to set up account                     1.01 Million
Number of people who managed to Log in                       271 K
Number Who began enrollment                                        196  K
Number who completed Enrollment                                   36  K 
Lets see  about 1% of those  who attempted to register actually we able to enroll

Like  every BIG GOVERNMENT  program the screw up and cost overruns are the  Largest parts of the program cost.
In some ways progress is being made  there are now somewhat close to 500K enrolled.
My question is how many of them had insurance through their companies before OBAMACARE became the law of the land?
Another key question is how many of the 9.47 million visitors have  had their hours cut from full time to part time because of OBAMACARE?
How many of  the new jobs created in  the past year are really the result of Full time jobs with benefits being turned into 2 part time jobs without benefits?
Unfortunately no one is talking about these numbers!

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