Friday, October 24, 2008

Why Tolerate Low Current Yields

In Jan 2009 Social security payments are increasing by 5.8 % Remember that this is linked to partially compensate for the general inflation rate. It is not designed to increase the spending power of SS recipients. This means that the inflation rate is actually higher. When we look at the government Consumer Price Index data there are several possible numbers for the past
12 months they range from about 4.5-7.6%. Lets take a mid point at something like 6%

Now lets consider some current Yields on Traditional safe money Financial products
6 Month Treasury Bills Currently paying 1.44 %
30 year Treasury Bonds Currently paying 3.96%
10 year Treasury Bonds Currently paying 3.66%

This weeks Average Bank Cd yields
6 Month Bank CD---------Currently paying 2.17%
1 Year Bank CD ----------Currently paying 2.70%
5 Year Bank CD ----------Currently paying 3.46%

Investment in any one of these products means that you have less buying power than when you started at the beginning of the year.Even with the highest yield you will still have 2% less purchasing power after you hold the product for one year.

John Waggoner wites for USA Today . His article titled "Whats so great about Bonds? They Are not Stocks" appeared in todays paper. It is a nice overview of Bonds and how they work and why the are different from Stocks. He quotes numbers from Morningstar about this years performance averages. Short Term Bond Funds have lost 3.5%,Intermendiate Term bond Funds have lost 6.4%, and Long term Bond funds have lost 12.3% this year. Junk Bond are down an average of 22.8%.All of these numbers are quoted from Johns article. he also makes a point that when stocks do poorly bonds often do better.

The Ideal Safe Money Financial Alternative products Must do two things. They must protect your principal from risk and also has to have the chance to beat inflation!! Do any of the products listed in this article do both? There are other thing the Ideal Safer Money Financial Alternatives should do as well. They should have a minimum guaranteed rate of return. They should be able to participate in strong economic growth cycles. They should help insure potential lifetime income streams that you can not outlive.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Smart Retirement Options

There was an article in the Columbus Dispatch yesterday about managing your retirement assets. It was titled "Panic Is A Mistake In A Bear Market" The author is Mark Miller. He recommends sitting tight through a bear market. Although panic is not a good thing taking steps now rather than waiting may be a smarter strategy to implenment to insure your financial future. He identifies a problem made by many people with their retirement assets. He says that many people were overly aggressive in their asset allocation with some having 80% or more of their retirement assets invested in stocks. and not enough invested in financial products offering more safety. He shares some general wisdom when he says people should reduce their holdings in stock as they age and approach or enter retirement. He basically only talks about two alternatives Stocks and bonds. Stocks offer tremendous upside potential as well as awful downside risk, Bonds generally have less upside and may counteract modest market declines, Treasuries offer modest rates of returns and when they run out of money they go and print more, Banks offer miserly low rates of returns that may not beat inflation and offer no upside potential.

This is where I strongly disagree with his philosophy. He ignores Safer Money Alternatives. He does not say he dislikes them but he just does not even bother to mention them. Maybe he does not understand them and what they can do for any individual. I believe there is a logical place in every portfolio for Safer Money Alternatives. Young savers might start with 25-30% and increase the percentage as they age reaching 50% in their 50's, 60% or more in their 60's and as much as 70-80 % later. You need to always keep some liquid assets for future needs.

Safer Money Alternatives: How do they work and what do they do? They must offer protection of your principal. They need to provide some measure of income guarantee. They need to allow for upside potential to capitalize on improvements in the market conditions. You must have the possibility of growing your purchasing power after correcting for inflation. Some of these products pay you a bonus of 5% or 10% when you purchase them. All of the money you commit immediately goes to work earning interest and growing for you. Some of these products even allow you to create a Lifetime Income Stream that you cannot outlive. There are financial products that can do all of these things in the same product. If your current financial advisor has not told you about them are they really looking out for your best interests or retirement assets? Perhaps its time to talk to an advisor who will look out for your financial interests.

Back to the article. He asks what if you sell the stocks and invest in Bonds. You only have a 5% chance that your assets will last 30 years in retirement. That is the result of relative safety but low rates of returns. He Says if you keep the stocks in the portfolio only withdraw 4% or maybe less of your portfolio value per year your chance of having your assets last 30 years increase to 89%. Thats pretty good. Now look at the numbers if a portfolio is worth $100,000 you get $4,000 per year maybe for life and maybe not. Is there a better way? I think there is! I can help you sleep better at night and improve your cash flow in retirement, in the process. Lets take a 60 year old retiring at 61. Give me the same $100,000 to manage. At age 61 they can have an income stream of not $4,000 per year like the stock and bond balanced plan, but an increase in annual income of $1,200 dollars more, for a total of $5,200 per year for the rest of their life Guaranteed! Which sounds better to you? $4,000 per year maybe for life, or $5,200
per year for life! what if you retire at age 65? The great news is it only gets better with age!
Retiring at age 65 increases the annual income to $5,720 per year. Want more income give me more assets to manage or give me more time to grow your assets. For example at age 55 give me $100,000 to manage and retire at 65 you will have at least $200,000 in Income Account Value guaranteed and you will be able to take over $11,000 per year in income guaranteed for your life!!

Does This sound interesting?

How can we help you?

Contact us
or visit our website

Monday, October 20, 2008

Positive Economic News For A Change

The Associated Press wrote a news article today titled "Leading Indicators Rise For First Time in 5 Months" Unfortunately this was September data not October data but it is still good news. Deliveries and orders rose by a very modest 0.3% but an increase is still an increase. This shows the economy is trying to grow!! Lets compare that to July with a 0.7 drop and August with a 0.9% drop. However we will still be down between 3-4% for the year.

AP out of DC also had some serious economic news and it wasn't as positive as that from the NY report. They found that only 15 % of those surveyed believe the economy is moving in the right direction compared to the 28% who felt that way just a month ago. With all the Economic turmoil less than 60% are happy with what is happening in their own lives. Everyone from all levels of society are concerned with the economic developments. 1/2 are concerned about their mortgage and credit cards, 1/3 are concerned about keeping their jobs and 70% are concerned about their investments falling and the impact on things like their retirement, medical bills and college costs.

In spite of all the bad news or maybe because of it you need to take positive steps to minimize the impact on you! Protect yourself from any further drops in value. No this does not mean putting everything under your mattress. You need to look at products that do the following things. Protect your principal at all costs, Get guaranteed growth from at least some of your assets currently its possible for a 40year old to get a minimum of 6-7.2% per year increase in Income Account Value, Maintain the upside potential of making more when the economy starts to recover, Make sure you have a chance of beating inflation with your assets so you don't loose buying power over the long term.

We can help you achieve all of these things in you financial arena! Does that sound interesting?
How can we Help you? Get in touch with us or send an email.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Americans Need Help Preparing For Retirement

Americans are loosing confidence in their readiness for retirement. We are not talking about a small drop we are talking about a major shift. Almost half of Americans surveyed are less confident in their ability to retire tody than they were one year ago. News reports tell us why. Markets down 30-40%, 401K Plans assets have lost well over 20 % and now approaching 30%. Less than 15% were more confident than they were one year ago. I have to wonder what planet that 15% are living on!! Only 12% of the study participants say that saving for retirement is a major priority right now. Why is this number so low. It must be related to the following number that 57% of respondents are "Struggling Just To Get By." Almost 60% want the government to get off their fannies and fully fund Social Security.

Another interesting point that they made is that more than 25% want their 401K Plans to offer them the option of providing investment choices that guarantee lifetime income. Traditional 401K Plans do not offer this option. traditional brokerages do not generally recommend this option. Employees in companies with 401 K Plans tell you employers that you want this option! Employers reading this we can help you modify your 401K Plan and move your plan to a TPA that Encourages this kind of Safer Money Alternatives. We can do it in qualified plans, SEP, SIMPLE Plans and both Traditional and ROTH 401K Plans. We also do it cost effectively.
Employees over age 40 can actually get a guaranteed rate of return of 6 or even 7.2% increase in your Income Account Value. employees under age 40 have a lower guarantee but both have the potential to make more than that 6% or 7.2% annually in good years. We also can create a lifetime income you or your employees cannot outlive. WOW! Protection of Principal, Safety, Above average rate of return, and Lifetime income when you want it. It may even be possible to get a 5% bonus on all assets switched into the program, or on new contributions made during the first year. This is applied to the employee contribution and the employer match.

Economy Impacts Students College Plans

In tough economic times students may be tempted to cut out or scale back
college plans. That's a tough nut to swallow and not necessarily the best alternative
to follow. Certainly one should investigate all possible funding alternatives before
canceling or scaling back college plans. Dropping the level of the schools you apply
for may be a good strategy alternative especially if the career choice is not going to
be a top level income career choice. As an example if your goal is to be a corporate
lawyer the top schools may help you achieve that goal. On the other hand if you
want to work in company in a department full of computer programmers a local
university or even community college may meet that goal with a substantial
reduction in the total cost of the education. LLC just completed a study of almost 3,000 prospective college
students. Over 15% have indicated that they are putting their college plans on
hold because of the concern that they won't be able to fund college. Over 55% are
considering downgrading the quality of the school they will be applying to in an
attempt to make their college costs more affordable. An even larger percentage
are increasing the amount of time spent on searching for scholarships in an
attempt to reduce the costs. All of these were strategies included in the study.

All of these are valid strategies. One should also consider seeing if alternative
strategies may be able to increase your college affordability. This is an area where
some professional help might be appropriate. We have two different alternatives
that may help.
First lets find out if we can increase your eligibility for need based financial aid. We
utilize the information needed for the (FAFSA) Free Application for Federal Student
Aid. This information is what is used to generate your Expected Family Contribution
or (EFC). This is the dollar figure that you have to come up with before you are eligible
for financial aid. We can often lower your EFC and that makes you eligible for more
financial aid.
Second there are a number of Corporate programs available that can help you pay for
school. Some of these programs are not need based and do not discriminate against
families with significant financial resources. Some of these are available to our clients.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Critical Economic and Financial Trends

The Bloomberg News Service listed headlines on October 6, 2008. It read "Broken Wall Street Means Merrill Model Succumbs to Independents"

Are you are frustrated and looking for a Safer Money Alternative?

Prince & Associates INC. completed a market survey in September 2008. Obviously this is before the most recent Blood letting happening in October. There are two very interesting qoutes from that survey that I want to share.
"70 percent of customers say they want to fire their broker"
"90 percent of customers of major brokerages say that they plan to withdraw at least some of their money"

Are you part of that 70% or 90%?

The Bloomberg News Service and the market survey actually have a related message. It would appear to be that the people currently managing my money are not doing a satisfactory job protecting and growing my money. Remember almost everyone has lost 20%, 40% or more in this economic turmoil.

You may or may not agree that that is the take Away message. If that is the way you feel
we would be happy to talk to you about Safer Money Alternatives offering protection of principal and the chance for significant upside growth. For Clients over 40 or 50 years old the minimum performance can be as high as a 7.2% increase in Account Value annually over a period of 5-10 or more years. These products are not right for everyone. They may not be available to people in all states. The only way to determine if this approach is right for you is with a brief no obligation consultation. This can be done face to face, by phone or by email! If its right for you and you qualify we would be happy to help you protect and grow your assets.

Lets find out how can we help you?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Economic Roller Coaster Ride Continues

Market plummet almost 800 points recovering over 900 the next day then plummeting again today by another 733 points. You need to understand something.The upwards bounce we saw the other day is a good thing but the markets fall today is a reminder that FEAR RULES. No one know when or at what level the markets will hit bottom. What we can all count on is that it will continue to be a rough ride. The Asia Pacific markets also dropped again today. We don’t know when it is going to be over. No one Knows! You must decide to protect yourself!

How can you protect yourself. Take action now to set your own bottom limit below which your assets can not fall. Equally important is taking steps to allow yourself to participate in the upside. In most States if you are over 40 or 50 years old I can get you a 5% bonus to help compensate for your losses with a total guarantee of 12.2% increase in your Account Value during the first year. You need to act now! Why wait for the markets to drop another 1000 points or more! In future years you can get 7.2% per year increase in Account Value. This will double your money over the next 10 years regardless of the ups and downs in the market. You might get more but you won’t receive less. Haven't you suffered enough losses already?

Does it make sense to take at least some of your assets and protect them? We believe it does!

How can we help you protect you and your family?

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Columbus Dispatch: How Low Can Stocks Go? Article

Thursday October 9th Lead article in the Columbus dispatch was an article titled "How Low Can They Go?" The bad news is that they could go a lot lower before they correct and start to recover. Recoveries usually take longer than market collapses. The average Bear Market has lasted 16 months and an average decline of 31%. The great depression recovery took over ten years and the tech bubble / Sept 11 drop recovery took over 4 years to recover. We are now back close to that level again.

The good news is if you are interested we can eliminate your downside market risk! We can do it while protecting you principal and giving you upside market potential whenever the market recovers! Depending on your state of residence, your age and financial situation we can guarantee no loss due to market risk or as much as 7.2% per year increase in Income Account Value.

How do you win? One great way is to protect yourself from the downside risk. Make sure you participate in the upside market recovery. WE CAN HELP YOU DO THAT!!! We CAN DO IT SAFELY!! We specialize in No Market Risk Financial strategies! Still accepting some new clients.

How can we help you meet your goals?

Safe Money and Safe Money Places

We were reading industry finance information and found a really interesting web Site. We decided to share it with you our readers. It is
It talks about the concept of Safe Money defining it as money you cannot afford to loose and the places where you should consider holding your safe money assets. It basically identifies three major categories and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The three broad types of safe money products identified are, Insured Deposits in FDIC Insured Banks or S&L Associations, Treasury Securities, and Fixed or Fixed Indexed Annuities. It talks about the levels of protection each entails including FDIC Insurance, Taxing power of the US Government and the State Insurance Guaranty funds. All three are identified as very secure places for your funds.

Of the three the one which probably can deliver the greatest rate of growth is the top Fixed Indexed Annuity products. None of our clients have ever lost even one dollar of their money to market risk while those funds were under our care.

We can help you to meet your twin goals of safety of principal and optimum growth rates.

How can we help you Grow your assets?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Indexes hit 5 year lows.

All three major indexes reached 5 years lows. S&P 500 index and the Dow Jones Industrials have fallen too the level not seen since October of 2003. The S&P 500 sunk to 984 and the Dow fell to 9258. The Nasdaq has fallen to 1740 this is the level it was at in September of 2003. This is almost the level of the days following 9-11.

Are you tired of the Roller Coaster? How can we help you ??

Retirement plans have lost $2 Trillion

Headlines for USA Today read "$2 Trillion wiped out in retirement funds." This article is written by Sandra Block. I generally like her writing but am surprised that she does not get a little more supportive of Safer Money Alternatives. It may be licensing or it may just be a limitation in her background. In the article Kurt Brouver was quoted as saying "This is a financial panic right now, and one reason it feels so bad is that everything is going down." Another quote rightfully pointed out the need for upside potential in the financial strategy you utilize. We offer both Safety and upside potential!

You need to know that there are alternatives. We can help you with Qualified and nonqualified money. We can offer Safer alternatives for your retirement plans including company 401K Plan assets, SEP Plans, ROTH and Traditional IRA Accounts.

We can take new clients today and if they are over 40 guarantee them either 6 or 7.2 % per year increase in account value per year or more. Over a 10 or 12 year period that guarantees that they will double their money. That is the minimum performance guarantee. They can make more even double digit returns of 10-20% if the economy rebounds. We all know that eventually it will rebound. The only question is have we seen the bottom or do we have another 10-30% downwards ride before things start to get better. We don't know if we have hit bottom yet. We have chosen to protect the majority of our assets from market risk!! This is also what we recommend. we only recommend Safer Money Alternatives

We can deliver at least a 10-12 % total rate of return on new money in the next 12 months for all new clients we agree to take on and offer the protection of principal besides. These products are not right for everyone and we need to discuss their suitability for your particular financial situation. You might not make quite as much as you would make if you are fully in the market, and assuming that the market has already hit bottom and starts back up immediately but we can guarantee that you will sleep better at night. If you look at the indexes over history recovery almost always takes more time than the declines. The declines are the result financial weakness and of panic selling wheras the recovery requires the rebuilding of confidence. Which do you think takes longer.

How many of you readers know of Wil Rogers the famous humorist. He was once quoted "I am more concerned with the Return Of My Money than I am with the Return On My Money" Return Of My Money is SAFETY and The Return On MY money is GROWTH. We can help you with BOTH!!!

If your current financial advisor has not told you about them I have to ask just one question. WHY NOT??? Whose interests are they looking out for?? How can we help you protect and diversify your assets??

Monday, October 6, 2008

Current Hot Interest Rate Deals

Periodically I include an update on recent top rates for guaranteed products
Here are some of the highest rates currently available. These are Safer Money Alternative products and are guaranteed rates. Rates are subject to change until confirmed at time of order placement. These rates typically are subject to change at least monthly and sometimes biweekly.
Products may not be available in every state and minimum commitment is required.

10 Year 6.0 %
7 Year 5.7 %
6 Year 5.55%
5 Year 5.5 %
4 Year 5.2 %

Contact us for details and to determine if this is right for some part of your financial assets.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

College Funding

Would it be worth one hour of your time to learn about a scholarship program that does not penalize you for too much income. That starts at $5,000 for a single parent or at $10,000 for a couple. It also grows every year until you begin using it by $2,000. It is available with no cost too the family or the student. The funds can be used at over 200 private schools in about 30 states including 15 private schools in the State of Ohio. No public schools participate in the program. To participate a student must be enrolled by June 30th at the end of their Sophomore year. You can enroll earlier. Schools vary in the allowable amount you can use but it can be equal to 25% of each years tuition for a 4 year scholarship. It does not apply for graduate studies.

In addition to this scholarship program we work with families to improves their eligibility for need based financial aidthrough the use of the FAFSA Application. We help you estimate the Expected Family contribution (EFC) and in many cases we legally help clients increase their eligibility for financial aid by reducing their EFC.

How can we help you and your family? Please contact us to find out.

Friday, October 3, 2008

FDIC Insurance Limits

FDIC limits may be increased. USA tToday ran an article By Sandra Block. The article title is "FDIC Limit could bump up to $250,000"
both presideental candidates are in favor of the change. As is typically the case with Congress there is a flaw. The article says "the FDIC Insurance limit would be TEMPORARILY increased to $250,000." I don't like Temporary fixes when it comes to my money. The article goes on to talk about the 13 banks that have failed this year. We have been blogging on many of those stories this year. The article further states that 37% of bank deposits are uninsured. I need to ask whats wrong with those people?
First of all the banks generally don't pay a fair rate of return on the money you keep at the bank. They load you to death with excessive bank fees, and they charge most people way to much interest when they loan money to customers. The Large banks overpay their officers using the excessive profits generated on the spread between the interest rates charged and offered. And then they dont even practice reasonable levels of financial responsibility in managing our assets in their care necessitating this massive bailout.

There are Safer Money Alternatives for your funds that will earn you substantially more interest over time and do it with guaranteed performance and principal protection.Does that make sense for at least part of your money.

How can we help you earn more and protect your assets? Contact us for a free initial consultation

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bank CD alternatives

W came across several alternatives to Bank CD's that might be right for some clients and wanted to give you the nuts and bolts summary to review If this peaks your interest we would be happy to discuss it in more detail and determine if it might be right for you.
The first product offers.
4.63 % guaranteed for three years. Compatible with Qualified retirement plans like IRA
or Roth IRA. Purchase minimum for retirement assets is only $2,000 but obviously you can contribute much more. Non qualified money contribution requires a minimum of a $5,000 contribution. Product is tax deferred until funds are withdrawn. If you want to move to a no
risk financial product for a short term period this is a good choice. Penalty free withdrawals are available under certain conditions including Nursing Home need, Terminal Illness diagnosis, unemployment or death. Suitable forages up to 90. Product not available in every state. Interest rate subject to change until issued.
The second product offers.
4.73% interest per year for three years. In exchange for the slightly higher interest rate the free withdrawal provisions are not offered. Low minimum amounts to purchase $2,000 qualified and $5,000 with non qualified money. Also available for people up to 90 years old. Not available in every state. Tax deferred until funds withdrawn.

There are also other financial options available to meet your specific needs. We would be happy to discuss your needs and particular situation.Some products have current rates approaching 5.0 %. Rates are subject to change until purchase. Different lengths of time, amount of purchase and other features are available.

How can we help you meet your financial needs in these very difficult financial times.